Saturday, November 15, 2008

point of relationship

we all have a purpose to live
even robots have tasks that they need to complete if not why are they are created for?
hmm move on to relationship
relationship is when 2 ppl are close together and have feeling to each other.
it must come in a complete set in order to get a strong relationship
there must have sad moments and happy moments
happy moments are most of the time but the dangerous one is the sad moment..
it is very normal when the sad moments come and all the good moments will dissapeer...
no one is to be blame because we are all human...
we all want happy moment and never sad moments
but however the world is design to have its up's and down's so as relationship..
sad moments can really hurt someone and it is hard to recover it ...
but every problem must have it's cause and effect...
couple's must learn how to coupe with the moments and thus will make their bond stronger...
but too much of everything is not a good sign...
all must be in balance...
feeling is very important in relationship and couples must take care of each other feelings
one party might not say it out because they scared it might hurt the other party..
while the opposite is when we constantly say it out it might annoy the best to do is think before u act and speak...
finally, it is really hurtful when couples break up....
especially when it is sudden.. it could effect yr life for some time...
try to spare if possible cause after a big disappointment , bonds might get closer and stronger...
but when things go the other way
never discriminate anyone although they have done wrong's...
maintain a friendship if possible cause there is no need to quarrel over split milk